Bethany KC

Ko`okua (Doula)


Aloha, my name is Bethany. I’m a boy mom, wife, traditional doula, and placenta encapsulation specialist. I’m also a proud breastfeeding mom and peer lactation counselor. I’ve been passionate about birth work for more than 4 years now. Iʻm especially passionate about reviving my Hawaiianaʻs cultural birth and postpartum practices with a focus in advocacy and evidence-based maternity care for indigenous families.

I also go by Kāhea meaning voice or to call, a fitting name given to me at birth. In my Native Hawaiian culture, it’s said to believe that our names are blessed upon us by our kūpuna (ancestors) through mele (song) and oli (chant and meditation). I believe my name is a reminder of the mana (power) my voice has to create a safe and sacred environment for the families I support in this line of work.

My cultural beliefs and upbringing as a polynesian woman deeply influences my approach to the sacredness of birth keeping. Blessed to harness this knowledge from the early adolescent years as a young girl- this work truly called me. Through my upbringing, I witnessed my dog birth her litters on our bathroom floor, supported teen moms (one being my own sister), and finally experiencing an unmedicated birth with my son as a first time mom (birth story pending).

I support all autonomous births.

See my trainings, certificates, and recognitions here.