FAQs About Placenta Encapsulation

  • Results vary with each body and how it processes. 95% of participants reported a positive experience with consuming their placenta. 98% of participants reported they would consume their placenta again in the future. See more information here.

  • All capsules are vegan/vegetarian currently we have clear and multi-colored. Weʻre working on getting more colors.

  • The non-refundable retainer is $100. An invoice will be sent your way once the contract form is completed. To book click here.

  • Please keep Bethany updated with the stages of your labor and birth via messenger or call at 559-365-6659. Itʻs important to understand, Bethany may have other obligations at the time of your labor and birth due to the nature of being a stay-at-home breastfeeding mom and business owner. Please be courteous of Bethanyʻs limited schedule. Most placentas are picked up in a 24 hour span of birth. Leave a voicemail or text especially if youʻve given birth overnight.

    Pick up and deliveries are open everyday of the week when daylights out. In the case that you give birth while Bethany is out of town for any reason (emergency or planned trip) please continue to keep updates and communicate about back-up pick up plans.

  • Clients are usually notified when Bethany is out town. However, due to the gravity of the situation, itʻs highly encouraged that all clients prepare to have their designated placenta cooler to sit overnight in your room with fresh ice (meaning all the ice shouldnʻt be melted down).

    To freeze your placenta, storage instructions remain the same however, be sure to have a back-up for pick-up if Bethany is out of town for any reason, whether that be a friend or family member. Your placenta is stored in a cooler or insulted bag no later than 3 hours post-birth with fresh ice always (this acts a fridge) for the first 48-hours. Once picked up, place your placenta in the freezer ASAP after birth but no later than 72-hours postpartum. It is to stay in the freeze until Bethany comes to pick-up.

  • Your placenta is packed with stem cells, vitamins, and proteins such as:

    Cortisol - Reduces inflammation, aids blood pressure, and allows birther to be more alert and energetic, overall promotes healing.

    CRH - Boosts immunity by building white blood cells, improves alertness, reduce stress levels, prevents depression, and balances cortisol.

    Iron/ Hemoglobin - Increases energy, decreases fatigue, and prevents depression.

    Vitamin B - A natural source which is essential to absorbing iron properly.

    Vitamin B6 - Supports adrenal gland which produce hormones, promotes metabolism (breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins), produces antibodies, and maintain a healthy nervous system.

    Vitamin B12 - Turns fats and carbohydrates into energy and make new protein.

    HPL/Prolactin - Promotes lactation which increases breast milk supply.

    Interferon - Prevents the manifestation of bacteria, contributes to postpartum immunity by inhibiting virus reproduction, and is theorized to reduce and destroy cancer cells.

    Oxytocin - Positive mood booster, encourages positive postpartum cramping which decreases postnatal bleeding and increases uterine involution (contracting your uterus back down to pre-baby size), promotes healthy sleep balance (energy and relaxation), balances out cortisol therefore reducing stress, amplifies memories, promotes a healthy letdown, boosts libido, reduces drug cravings, triggers protective instincts, and increases a sense of altruism. Commonly known as the happiness, love, and bonding hormone.

    Immunoglobulin G (IgG) - Antibody which promotes immunity.

    Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) - Prepares mammary glands for lactation, regulates healthy glucose, protein, and fat levels.

    The Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor (POEF) - Enhances the natural opioids (including endorphins) to reduce pain.

    Prostaglandins - Helps to prepare the cervix for and during labor, efface and dilate, promotes targeting of infection or injury to boost healing, and encourages positive postpartum cramping which decreases postnatal bleeding and increases uterine involution (contracting your uterus back down to pre-baby size).

    Phosphorus - Aids digestion, balances hormones, and promotes cell repair and nutrition.

    Placental Growth Hormone - Helps to breakdown stored fat and safely transfer to baby.

    Progesterone - An essential hormone to sustain pregnancy and have a healthy reproductive system in general, progesterone stimulates the thyroid, reduces adrenal fatigue, boost energy, regulates sleep, reduces inflammation, nourishes the hair and skin, lightens heavy bleeding, builds immunity, encourages bone and muscle restoration and prevents cancer.

    Estrogen/ Testosterone - Prepares mammary glands for lactation, stabilizes postpartum mood, and uterine involution.

    Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - Regulates thyroid glands, boosts energy, and boosts metabolism.

    Cortisone - Reduces inflammation and promotes healing.

    Urokinase Inhibiting Factor and Factor XIII - Reduces postnatal bleeding and promotes healing.

  • Please see the service fees here. The deposit is $100.

  • You can still encapsulate your placenta if you have delayed cord clamping, GBS+, cesarean birth, gestational diabetes, or meconium. If any complications are present, please discuss these with Bethany so she can recommend the best processing method or route to go.

    Itʻs not recommended to consume oneʻs placenta if thereʻs an infection of the placenta called chorioamnionitis, usually accompanied with a fever symptom.

    Due to the lack of in-depth research studies on placentophagy, placenta consumption is not FDA-approved and to consume oneʻs own placenta is done at your own risk and to be understood at the time of signing the online agreement.

    Retainers are non-refundable, no exceptions. By default, the automatic alternative option falls to the Placenta Arts package due to complications or miscommunication with your medical birth team.

  • Less than 1% of clients will report flu-like symptoms as a side effect, this can be caused by different factors as results vary. As stated before, this is not an FDA-approved process but rather trust in word-of-mouth from other experienced moms. Please see research studies in the next question below.

    Even for those that experience benefits of placentophagy, a placebo-effect is still physiologically effective.

  • Itʻs highly recommended to consume your placenta pills soon after birth (a dosage card is included with each package). The pills should last up to a year if stored properly in a cool, dry area. It is NOT recommended to consume placenta capsules during any pregnancy to avoid triggering pre-term labor. Consuming one placenta pills from another pregnancy should be down at your own risk (see possible side effects question above), although some have reported benefits.

    Placenta tinctures have no expiration date due to the fermentation infused with alcohol and also have extended benefits lasting past your postpartum. Some have reported benefits when used during menopause or menstruation to ease cramping and balance mood.

    Placenta salves (balms) are infused with natural ingredients thus a shorter shelf-life and is recommended to be used within the first few months of birth or until mold forms (as results may vary). Please store all placenta items a cool, dry area.

    Placenta arts are forever keepsakes and recommended to scrapbook and save for memories.

  • A recommended dosage card is included in each package.

  • People have booked as early as they got a positive test and even up to the day of labor. As long as you understand and agree to the terms here and on the contract, youʻre good to book. Please reach out to Bethany via the inquiry sheet, phone, or email and keep updated on availability via Instagram.

  • Placentas are processed as first birth, first serve. Itʻs approximately a 48-hour process with the exception of additional time for pick-up and delivery. Right now, due to Bethanyʻs limited schedule, one placenta is processed per week hence the very limited availabity so serious clientʻs only are to place a non-refundable retainer and sing the online agreement here.

  • Steaming

    Steaming TCM (Traditional Chinese Method)


    Raw Modified w/ apple cider vinegar

    Only offering steamed and raw method currently.

  • Yes, if youʻre interested in this add-on please consult with Bethany. Please see blog post here.

  • There is an additional travel fee of $50 for pick-up and delivery outside of Fresno and Clovis areas. There are options to waive or reduce the travel fee if arrangements for transportation are made in the Fresno area (please consult with Bethany about these options).

    Nationwide shipping starts at $400. If youʻre interested in the shipping option be sure to check off the box on your contract. More information is sent included in your cooler about the process once the form is signed and retainer is placed.

  • Itʻs encouraged and important to communicate transparently about your plans on keeping your placenta with the hospital staff. It is not required to let the hospital staff know of the details of your intentions. The hospital staff may have you sign a release of liability form, which is common in most hospital policies. Simply ask your nurse to bag some ice for your insulated cooler. Once youʻve given birth go ahead and place your placenta on ice. The nurse should bag your placenta in a hazard bag or bin. That then goes and stays on fresh ice (acting as a refrigerator) for the first 48 hours, per California Safe Food Handler policy. Itʻs really quite that simple. You can think of the placenta (the organ) as meat. Essentially we donʻt want to leave raw meat out and vulnerable in the heat or warmth to prevent bacterial growth. From there, please contact Bethany for pick-up. REMEMBER, THE PLACENTA IS YOURS! YOU GREW AND BIRTHED IT WITH YOUR BABY. IT DOES NOT BELONG TO ANYONE ELSE UNLESS YOU GIVE THAT PERMISSION. The retainer is also non-refundable, no exceptions. There are alternative packages options along with a placenta burial herbal kit for those who may experience complications causing a risk of consumption.

  • Pandemic or not, itʻs important to understand this organ belongs to you. Read your patient health rights for the state of California here or research for your state if youʻd like nationwide shipping. Itʻs also important to read all the information provided here on the website and on the agreement youʻll be e-signing. Please contact Bethany if you need virtual assistance in advocating for your placenta.

    Studies show "All neonatal specimens tested, including in some cases placentas, were negative by rt-PCR for SARS-CoV-2. At this point in the global pandemic of COVID-19 infection there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 undergoes intrauterine or transplacental transmission from infected pregnant women to their fetuses. Analysis of additional cases is necessary to determine if this remains true." https://www.archivesofpathology.org/doi/10.5858/arpa.2020-0901-SA

    “The study also found that placentas from infected women were not different from those of uninfected women…” https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/pregnant-women-third-trimester-unlikely-pass-sars-cov-2-infection-newborns#:~:text=The%20study%20also%20found%20that,with%20more%20severe%20COVID%2D19.

    There is not enough studies and research out there to say otherwise that your placenta is affected by COVID-19 just like in any other case, like the flu. As long as it’s all information is understood and know the risks of placenta consumption.